Latakia Tobacco History

Vintage illustration of Latakia tobacco leaves

The history of Latakia tobacco is as rich and complex as the smoky flavor of the tobacco itself. Originating from an accidental discovery in Syria, this unique blend has carved its place in the annals of tobacco craftsmanship. Its journey from the Middle East to the Western world is a captivating tale of serendipity, innovation, and enduring popularity. As we delve into the intriguing past of Latakia tobacco, prepare to be immersed in a story that is as multifaceted as the tobacco itself.

The Unique Production Process

The production process of Latakia tobacco is as unique as its discovery. The leaves are first sun-cured and then smoke-cured using aromatic woods and herbs. This dual curing process gives Latakia tobacco its distinctive smoky and robust flavor.

The Role of the Ottoman Empire

During the Ottoman Empire, Latakia tobacco made its way from Syria to Cyprus. The Ottomans, known for their love of tobacco, played a significant role in spreading the popularity of this unique blend.

The Shift to Cyprus

Political unrest and changing agricultural policies in Syria led to the shift of Latakia tobacco production to Cyprus in the 20th century. The Cypriot version of Latakia, while maintaining the smoky flavor, is milder and sweeter due to the different curing process.

The Rise in Popularity

In the modern era, Latakia tobacco has gained a cult following among pipe smokers. Its unique flavor profile makes it a popular choice for blending, adding a smoky depth to pipe tobacco blends.

Latakia Tobacco Today

Today, Latakia tobacco is a cherished blend in the tobacco world. Despite its production being limited to a few regions, its impact on the global tobacco industry is significant.

The Unique Smoky Flavor

Latakia tobacco is known for its unique smoky flavor, reminiscent of a campfire. The smoke-curing process imparts a rich, robust flavor that sets Latakia apart from other tobacco blends.

The Role of Latakia in Pipe Tobacco Blends

Latakia is often used as a ‘condiment’ in pipe tobacco blends. Its strong flavor adds depth and complexity to the blend, enhancing the overall smoking experience.

Latakia in Syrian and Cypriot Culture

Latakia tobacco holds a special place in Syrian and Cypriot culture. It is not just a tobacco blend, but a symbol of their historical and cultural heritage.

Latakia Tobacco in the Global Tobacco Industry

In the global tobacco industry, Latakia tobacco stands out for its unique flavor and historical significance. Its journey from an accidental discovery to a beloved blend is a testament to its enduring appeal.

what is the history of latakia tobacco

Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria, specifically named after its major port city of Latakia. The production has since moved to Cyprus due to varying and compounding factors . The discovery of Latakia was potentially accidental, when surplus tobacco was stored in the rafters of homes, absorbing the smoky aroma from the household fires . The original Latakia was likely produced using a variety of Nicotiana tabacum or the Turkish Yayladag variant. The leaves are kept whole, including the flowers, and are either hung between trees or laid on the ground to dry over a period of three days .


The history of Latakia tobacco is a captivating tale of serendipity, innovation, and enduring popularity. This unique blend, with its smoky flavor and rich history, continues to leave a lasting impact on the world of tobacco.


While specific statistics on Latakia tobacco are not readily available, it’s important to note that Latakia production is a small industry, with an annual yield of about 60,000 pounds, which is insignificant when compared to overall global tobacco production . Despite not enjoying the widespread popularity of other tobacco varieties, Latakia maintains a loyal following of enthusiasts who appreciate its unique qualities .


  1. What is the origin of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco originated in Syria and is named after its major port city of Latakia .
  2. How is Latakia tobacco produced?
    Latakia tobacco is sun-dried and smoke-cured. The leaves are kept whole, including the flowers, and are either hung between trees or laid on the ground to dry over a period of three days .
  3. Why has Latakia tobacco production moved to Cyprus?
    The production of Latakia tobacco has moved to Cyprus due to varying and compounding factors .
  4. What is the flavor profile of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is known for its distinct smoky aroma and robust flavor .
  5. How is Latakia tobacco used in modern blends?
    Modern blenders have made successful recipes consisting of up to 50% Latakia. It is also used by companies such as Drew Estate Cigars in many of their non-traditional blends .
  6. What is the cultural significance of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is a living piece of history, a testament to the power of tradition, and a symbol of the enduring allure of quality and flavor .
  7. What is the difference between Syrian and Cyprian Latakia?
    The difference lies in the strain of tobacco, where it is grown, and especially by the way it is cured .
  8. What are some popular blends that use Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia is often found in “English Mixture” and “Balkan Mixture” blends .
  9. What is the future of Latakia tobacco production?
    The future of Latakia tobacco production is uncertain due to various challenges including environmental factors and market demand .
  10. Why is Latakia tobacco considered unique?
    Latakia tobacco is unique due to its distinct smoky aroma and robust flavor, which is a result of its specific sun-drying and smoke-curing process .
  11. How was Latakia tobacco discovered?
    Latakia tobacco was potentially discovered by accident when a bumper crop resulted in surplus tobacco; the farmers stored the excess tobacco in the rafters of their homes, where it absorbed the smoky aroma from the household fires .
  12. What is the impact of the shift from Syrian to Cyprian Latakia on its flavor?
    The shift from Syrian to Cyprian Latakia has resulted in a change in the flavor profile due to differences in the strain of tobacco, where it is grown, and how it is cured .
  13. Can Latakia tobacco be produced in the USA?
    Attempts to produce Latakia in the USA have been unsuccessful due to the lack of the specific combination of deep, dry and mineral-rich soils, long hot days, and cool nights that are found in Syria and Cyprus .
  14. Why is Syrian Latakia no longer being made in Syria?
    The production of Syrian Latakia was severely restricted by the Syrian government in the 1960s due to environmental concerns .
  15. What is the role of Latakia in pipe tobacco?
    Latakia is an enduring favorite in the realm of pipe tobaccos due to its unique smoky aroma and robust flavor .


While specific books on Latakia tobacco history were not found in the search results, general books on tobacco history and pipe smoking may provide useful context and background information.

Sources of information:

  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. – Latakia tobacco and its properties
  3. Pipes Magazine – Why Is Syrian different from Cyprian Latakia And Could They Change It?
  4. – Latakia Tobacco’s Legacy: Tracing its Historic Roots
  5. – A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco
  6. – Latakia Tobacco (70VG/30PG)
  7. Fair Trade Tobacco – The End of Syrian Latakia
  8. Tobacconist University – Tobacco College
  9. Pipestud’s Consignment Shop


  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. – Latakia tobacco and its properties
  3. Pipes Magazine – Why Is Syrian different from Cyprian Latakia And Could They Change It?
  4. – Latakia Tobacco’s Legacy: Tracing its Historic Roots
  5. – A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco
  6. – Latakia Tobacco (70VG/30PG)
  7. Fair Trade Tobacco – The End of Syrian Latakia
  8. Tobacconist University – Tobacco College
  9. Pipestud’s Consignment Shop